
Life Philosophy

Take a look at the set-up in the photo. What do you see? Please, take a minute to consider what you could do here – if you “do parkour”, make a list of all the different things you could train here (and I mean all the ideas you have); if not, think about it anyway. […]

Life Philosophy

This is a list of some books which I have read over the last year or two which I strongly recommend, to the point where I think everybody SHOULD read them. If I were a teacher or lecturer I would put these books on the reading list ranked among the actual topic I was teaching, […]

Travel Blogs
Travel Blog 3, part iv
15th May 2014

Seems like parkour is featured in this one another couple of times, as I go back to Bonn via home and a parkour coaching conference in London. Home Continuing from having just arrived home, having been in Leeds. I slept a bit and planned the next bit of my journey and packed my bag again. […]

Travel Blogs
Travel Blog 3, part iii
18th April 2014

In this part I write about three different cities I visited – visiting a friend in each and doing some other things while I’m there. Again, I’m telling thoughts I have based on things I did including gender, mass surveillance, learning, fear, etc. Bristol Following home, I set out on the next stage of my […]

Travel Blogs
Travel Blog 3, part ii
13th April 2014

Part i can be found elsewhere on this blog In this one I’m in Oxford and at home and I talk about what I did while in these places. Parkour gets mentioned, but so do a few other things like national security and democracy and similar important topics. As with all my travel blogs, I […]


Maria Miller Facts: Maria Miller has now resigned, following an allegation of dodgy expenses from a Labour MP. She was initially told to repay £45,000 by the independent Parliamentary Commissioner, but this was later changed to £5,000 by the a committee of MPs which has ultimate responsibility. As well as the excessive claim, she was […]

Travel Blogs
Travel Blog 3, part i
7th April 2014

Travel Blog 3 is about what I did during five weeks of my Semesterferien (non-term-time, it doesn’t seem right to call them “holidays” anymore); even though I was in England it still felt like travelling because I only spend 5 nights at home over three different parts, and I was living out of my backpack […]

A Tension in Modern Life
6th February 2014

Humans as a species have been around for quite some time. Now sure, in the grand scheme of the universe it’s barely noticeable, but compared to how long our individual lives are, it’s a pretty long time. A quick glance at wikipedia suggests between fifty and a hundred thousand years ago (and former humanoid things […]

Life Philosophy
Facing a Fear
22nd January 2014

This post is my attempt to explain one of my parkour experiences with words, to try and convey what goes on inside my head when I did a particular jump. Standing two metres high on top of a wall, I glance down to the ground below me, and then rub my hands on my thighs […]

Life Philosophy

The second of my new years thoughts and posts, this one about my resolution, albeit in a slightly detailed and roundabout way. The previous post had the conclusion of “we should make the most of our life”, and this post deals with a particular way I do that. It’s that time of year when people […]